30th Annual General Meeting
On Wednesday November 10th , the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Women's Tennis Foundation Inc was held. The meeting reported on the highlights of another year disrupted by the pandemic. The Foundation continued its commitment to Australia’s best and brightest players by awarding four scholarships of $5,000 each to Storm Sanders, Alexandra Bozovic, Kimberly Birrell and Jaimee Fourlis. The Foundation also conducted a successful Breakfast with The Stars event in February to raise funds for its programs.
“I’d like to thank each of the committee members for their continued commitment of time, expertise and energy to make a positive impact on Australian tennis and look forward to working with them over the coming year.” Said Brigette McGuire who was re-elected for her third term as President.
President, Brigette McGuire
Vice-President, Sally Charles
Treasurer, Valerie Clifford
Secretary, Sherryn Dove
Nicole Pratt
Caroline Chernov
Megan Hannan
Helen Rice
Dianne Evers